AI Information Retrieval Challenge

AIInformation Retrieval Machine LearningNatural Language Processing

University of Twente


Key Features of the Challenge:

  • Course: Advanced Project in Information Retrieval
  • Programme: Master Computer Science and Master Interaction Technology
  • Students per Team: 2-3
  • Duration: November 12 - February 2, 2022
  • Supervision: Student teams are mostly supervised by researchers in the company.
  • Deliverables: Presentation and report with recommendations. And if you're feeling particularly academic, further scientific publications are welcome.
  • Company Time Investment: 8-12 hours
  • Participation Fee: €750 (excluding tax). This is charged by Master Challenge, not the university.

Challenge Examples:

From landmark and object-based image retrieval to conversational search in archives and museums, the scope is vast. Whether it's integrating and retrieving biopsy information, identifying vehicle types from images, or creating chatbots for personal data retrieval, the possibilities are endless.

Company Requirements:

Any company, whether it's a startup, scale-up, corporate, incubator, or NGO, can participate. The only prerequisites? At least two founders/employees working full-time and being in business for at least six months. And of course, a dataset ready for the students to dive into.


To facilitate this challenge, a participation fee of €750 (excluding tax) per team applies. But here's the kicker: you'll only be charged when matched to a team.

How to Apply:

The application process is straightforward. Submit the challenge directly through the website, provide a title that summarizes the challenge, and elaborate briefly (max 150 words).


The timeline is tight, with the deadline for submitting challenges set for October 13. By October 27, you'll know if your challenge has been approved. The matching phase runs from November 13-16, with the algorithm creating perfect matches by November 17. The kickoff meeting with your team is on November 20, and the final presentations are scheduled for January 30.

In conclusion, the AI Information Retrieval Challenge by the University of Twente is a golden opportunity for companies to gain fresh insights and for students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. It's a win-win!

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