Baylor New Venture Competition

Business EntrepreneurshipElevator PitchInnovation

Baylor University


The Baylor New Venture Competition: Where Dreams Meet Reality

You've heard of the big leagues in sports, right? Well, in the world of student entrepreneurship, the Baylor New Venture Competition is the equivalent of the Super Bowl. And no, I'm not exaggerating.

A Brief Overview

Hosted by the prestigious John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship and Free Enterprise at Baylor University, this competition is a beacon for college students and recent alumni with a knack for business. It's not just about presenting a business plan; it's about showcasing a vision, a dream, and the grit to make it a reality.

The Nitty-Gritty Details

So, what's in it for you? Apart from the bragging rights of winning one of the most esteemed entrepreneurship competitions, there's a hefty prize pool:

  • First Place: A cool $50,000 in cash plus in-kind awards. That's enough to kickstart any venture or, you know, buy 10,000 cups of coffee.
  • Second Place: $25,000 in cash and in-kind awards. Not too shabby!
  • Third Place: $10,000 in cash and in-kind awards. Still a pretty penny!
  • Honorable Mentions (4th-10th): Each team gets $1,500 in cash and in-kind awards. Because every idea deserves recognition.
  • BNVC Elevator Pitch Awards: Think you can sell your idea in a short pitch? The best pitch gets $1,500, the second-best $1,000, and the third-best walks away with $500.

What's the Focus?

The competition isn't just about who has the best idea. It's about who has the most viable, sustainable, and innovative business plan. Whether you're into tech, health, sustainability, or any other sector, if you've got a plan that can change the world (or at least a tiny part of it), this competition is for you.

Is the Prize Worth It?

Now, you might be thinking, "Are these prizes any good compared to other competitions?" Well, after a diligent search, I can tell you that the Baylor New Venture Competition offers one of the most generous prize pools for student entrepreneurs. So, yes, it's definitely worth your time and effort.

How Does It Work?

The competition is structured in phases. First, you apply. If your idea is shortlisted, you'll be invited to participate in the competition held at Baylor University. There, you'll present your business plan, face a grilling from judges (don't worry, they're nice), and if you're lucky, walk away with a prize.

Who Can Participate?

If you're a college student or a recent alumnus with a groundbreaking business idea, this competition is for you. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur or have a team, as long as your idea is innovative and viable, you're eligible.

Meet the Organizers

The John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship and Free Enterprise is no stranger to innovation. Part of Baylor University, the center is dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship and free enterprise in the academic and business communities. They're the brains behind this competition, ensuring it's a fair, enriching experience for all participants.


In conclusion, if you're a budding entrepreneur looking to make a mark in the world of business, the Baylor New Venture Competition is your golden ticket. With generous prizes, a platform to showcase your idea, and the chance to network with like-minded individuals, this competition is a must for any student entrepreneur.

Remember, it's not just about the prize; it's about the journey, the experience, and the chance to turn your dream into reality. So, gear up, put on your entrepreneurial hat, and may the best business plan win!

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