Bitget U30 Hackathon





The Bitget Blockchain4Youth Virtual Hackathon, in collaboration with Foresight Ventures, is a golden ticket for innovators under 30. This hackathon is a part of Bitget's mission to promote blockchain and AI adoption among the youth. With a whopping prize pool of $50,000, it's an opportunity you wouldn't want to miss.

Bitget's Vision:

Bitget believes in the power of Gen Z. With millennials making up 46% of crypto enthusiasts, the younger generation is poised to play a pivotal role in the crypto world. This hackathon is a testament to Bitget's commitment to fostering innovation and creativity in AI and blockchain.

Hackathon Problem Statements:

  1. Trustless Infrastructure for AI: Develop a secure and private AI network using zero-knowledge proofs and zkSNARKs.
  2. AIGC and Web3 Gaming: Revolutionize the gaming industry with AI-generated content and AI-based apps.
  3. AI Marketplace: Build a marketplace for the secure and transparent exchange of AI algorithms and data.


The prizes are not just about the money. They are a recognition of creativity, impact on the blockchain community, and overall design. And hey, there's a special prize exclusively for all-female teams. Kudos to Bitget for promoting diversity!

Who's Behind the Hackathon?:

Bitget, a Seychelles-based cryptocurrency exchange, is the driving force behind this hackathon. With over 20 million users across 100 countries, Bitget offers a plethora of crypto-related services. And guess what? They've partnered with none other than Lionel Messi!

Foresight Ventures:

Backing web3 projects that embody decentralization, Foresight Ventures is all about pushing crypto towards mainstream adoption. Their accelerator, Foresight X, focuses on supporting the rapid growth of web3 startups.


  1. Trustless Infrastructure for AI: With AI and ML gaining traction, the need for a trustless infrastructure is paramount. The challenge is to use zero-knowledge proofs and zkSNARKs to ensure security and privacy.
  2. AIGC and Web3 Gaming: The gaming industry is booming. The goal is to leverage AIGC and blockchain to enhance the gaming experience.
  3. AI Marketplace: As AI continues to grow, there's a need for a decentralized marketplace for AI algorithms and data exchange.

In conclusion, the Bitget U30 Hackathon is not just another competition. It's a movement. A movement to inspire, innovate, and create. So, if you've got the skills and the passion, this is your stage. Shine on!

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