Business Plan Competition

Business DigitizationEntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship and Business Design

CCBC's Center for Business Innovation


The Ultimate Showdown for Budding Entrepreneurs: CCBC's Business Plan Competition

Ever had that lightbulb moment? An idea so brilliant it could light up a room? Well, CCBC's Center for Business Innovation is rolling out the red carpet for you. Welcome to the annual Business Plan Competition, where dreams meet strategy, and ideas turn into potential businesses.

Brief About the Competition

The Business Plan Competition isn't just another contest; it's a launchpad. Aimed at students and alumni of CCBC, this competition is all about turning that napkin sketch or late-night brainstorm into a full-fledged business plan. And the cherry on top? A whopping $20,000 in seed money for the best of the best. But that's not all - a total prize pool of $62,500 is up for grabs, spread across the top 6 winners.

Key Information

  • Organizer: CCBC's Center for Business Innovation. They're not just about textbooks and lectures; they're fostering the next generation of business leaders.
  • Prize: Up to $20,000 in seed money. That's not pocket change; that's startup capital!
  • Eligibility: Open to CCBC students and alumni. Whether you're fresh out of a lecture or reminiscing about your college days, this is your shot.

Challenge Focus, Goal, and Topic

The goal is simple yet profound: Transform innovative ideas into winning business plans. Whether it's a groundbreaking product, a unique service, or a revolutionary business model, if it's innovative, it's in.

Prizes and Recognition

Now, let's talk moolah. The first-place prize is a cool $20,000. But even if you don't clinch the top spot, don't fret. With $62,500 in total seed money distributed among the top 6, there's plenty to go around. And let's be real: in the world of student competitions, this prize is a heavyweight. It's not just about the cash; it's about the recognition, the networking opportunities, and that invaluable experience of pitching your idea.

How Does the Challenge Work?

Participants get exclusive access to workshops tailored to help craft strategic, marketing, and financial plans - the holy trinity of a solid business plan. And here's the kicker: seasoned entrepreneurs and business owners will be by your side, mentoring you throughout the competition. The deadline to watch (or rather, mark on your calendar with a big red circle) is October 8, 2023.

Who's Eligible to Participate?

If you're a CCBC student or alumni with a burning idea and the drive to see it through, you're in!

Meet the Organizers: CCBC's Center for Business Innovation

Beyond the classrooms and lecture halls of CCBC lies the Center for Business Innovation - a hub for budding entrepreneurs. They're not just about fostering education; they're about fostering innovation. With events like the Business Plan Competition, they're shaping the business leaders of tomorrow.

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