Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition

EntrepreneurshipSustainabilitySocial Impact

Stiftung Entrepreneurship


A Global Movement with a Purpose

The Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition (CEC) isn't just another contest. It's a clarion call for young, vibrant minds across the globe to step up and make a difference. With the world grappling with myriad challenges, from climate change to socio-economic disparities, there's never been a more pressing time for innovative solutions. And that's precisely what the CEC seeks to foster.

The Heart of the Competition

At its core, the CEC is about empowering entrepreneurs, especially the young and the restless, to work towards a more peaceful and sustainable world. Participants are encouraged to submit their ideas and projects that have a tangible social impact. But there's a catch. These projects need to align with one or more of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For those not in the know, these SDGs address some of the most pressing challenges of our times, spanning social, economic, environmental, and health domains.

The Heart of the Competition

At its core, the CEC is about empowering entrepreneurs, especially the young and the restless, to work towards a more peaceful and sustainable world. Participants are encouraged to submit their ideas and projects that have a tangible social impact. But there's a catch. These projects need to align with one or more of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For those not in the know, these SDGs address some of the most pressing challenges of our times, spanning social, economic, environmental, and health domains.

Two Categories, Infinite Possibilities

The competition bifurcates submissions into two categories: Idea and Project. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur with a novel concept or a startup with a project that's already in motion, there's a place for you at the CEC. And age is no bar, with entrepreneurs as young as 13 invited to throw their hat in the ring.

The Three-Phase Tango

The CEC unfolds in three distinct phases. Phase one is all about submission. Entrepreneurs pitch their idea or project, and if it meets the competition's stringent criteria, they're ushered into the next phase. Here, they're required to complete specific courses and work on their entrepreneurial design using a specially crafted tool called the Entrepreneurial Design Canvas (EDC). Once the courses are done and dusted, participants can submit their completed EDC for phase two. This phase is where things get really interesting. All ideas and projects are published, and participants get to vote and rally votes for their submissions. The top 20 ideas with the most votes then move to the third and final phase, where an expert jury deliberates and picks the winners. The culmination is the CEC award ceremony, a grand online event where the winners are feted and celebrated.

A Community Like No Other

The Entrepreneurship Campus, the platform that hosts the CEC, is a melting pot of ideas and innovation. With over 50,000 members from 141 nations, it's a testament to the global appeal of the competition. Participants get to interact, network, and even collaborate with like-minded individuals from across the globe.

The Big Picture

The CEC isn't just about winning. It's about being part of a larger narrative. A narrative that champions sustainable development, encourages entrepreneurial spirit, and fosters a sense of global community. So, if you've got an idea that can change the world, or even a small part of it, the CEC is where you need to be.

The Organizers: Stiftung Entrepreneurship

Behind the grand vision of the CEC is the Stiftung Entrepreneurship. A foundation that's been at the forefront of promoting entrepreneurial spirit and sustainable development. Their partnership with UNESCO and their commitment to the SDGs underscores their dedication to creating a better, more equitable world

In Conclusion

The Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition is more than just a contest. It's a movement. A global call to action for young entrepreneurs to step up, make a difference, and in the process, change the world. So, if you've got an idea or a project that aligns with the UN's SDGs, this is your chance to shine. Register, participate, and be the change you want to see in the world.

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