DMI New Product Competition 2024

wellnessFunctional dairyHealthFood product

Dairy Management Inc


The DMI New Product Competition 2024: Where Dairy Meets Innovation

Ah, dairy. The creamy delight that's been a staple in our diets since... well, forever. But in the ever-evolving world of food and health, dairy is getting a modern twist. Enter the DMI New Product Competition 2024, where college students are given the platform to redefine dairy for the health-conscious consumer.

A Glimpse into the Competition

Dairy Management Inc., the brains behind this competition, is on the hunt for the next big thing in dairy. And by "big thing", we mean products that aren't just delicious but also pack a punch in the health department. Think yogurts that could give Superman a run for his money or cheeses that could make Wonder Woman wonder why she didn't think of that.

The Prize? Cold Hard Cash

With a whopping $27,000 up for grabs, this isn't just any competition. The cherry on top? The winner walks away with a cool $10,000. That's a lot of cheese... literally and figuratively.

What's the Catch?

Well, there's always a catch, isn't there? For starters, your product needs to be innovative. We're talking about products that cater to health and wellness consumers. Digestion, immunity, joint health, mobility – if your product addresses these, you're on the right track.

But wait, there's more. Your product should:

  • Contain more than 51% of dairy ingredients by weight.
  • Be a good source of dairy protein.
  • Adhere to food labeling and regulatory criteria.

Who Can Enter?

If you're a college student in the U.S., whether undergraduate or graduate, this is your time to shine. Team up or go solo, but remember, your submission should be your original work under the guidance of a faculty advisor.

The Process

  1. Phase One: Submit a five-page preliminary report and cover letter. This should detail what your product is, how it can be produced, marketed, and its functionality.
  2. Phase Two: Six entrants will be chosen based on their reports. They will then submit a full report and their products for sampling. This will be presented via a webinar for final judging.
  3. Phase Three: The top three candidates will be invited to the American Dairy Science Association annual meeting in West Palm Beach, FL in June 2024. This is where the winners will be announced.

About Dairy Management Inc.

Dairy Management Inc. is not just about milk and cheese. They're at the forefront of dairy innovation, ensuring that dairy remains relevant in today's fast-paced world. With a focus on research, promotion, and nutrition education, they aim to drive demand for dairy products and ingredients.

Final Thoughts

The DMI New Product Competition 2024 is more than just a competition. It's an opportunity for young minds to shape the future of dairy. So, if you've got an idea that could revolutionize the dairy industry, now's your chance to make it happen. And remember, in the world of dairy, the cream always rises to the top.

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