EduLearn Hackathon

Beginner friendlyLow/No Code Machine LearningAICodingTechnology

EduLearn, partnered with Fincode and run by Dublin High School


Partnered with FinCode

EduLearn is focused on introducing students to careers in the stem field. Because of this everyone is a winner in our hackathon and will get a minimum of 100 dollars in prizes. We will also host many workshops to get students passionate about engineering.

EduLearn is an organization partnered with Dublin High School and is run by Dublin High School students. It is tailor-made for beginners to intermediate coders who are eager to learn and grow. We provide a wealth of educational resources, tutorials, and access to mentors to support your coding journey. Whether you're a student, a self-learner, or someone looking to switch careers, EduLearn is your gateway to coding excellence.

We challenge you to think beyond the ordinary. EduLearn encourages participants to develop tech-based solutions that address real-world challenges in education. From building interactive learning platforms to gamifying educational content, the possibilities are endless. Let your creativity flow and create solutions that can truly change the way we learn. We will be hosting multiple sessions and events for people of all skill levels to learn more about engineering and coding, so make sure to keep an eye out in our discord server!


Submission Requirements:

At EduLearn, we encourage you to unleash your creativity and build projects that can transform the world of education through technology. Here's a clear outline of what you need to build for the hackathon and the additional materials you should submit on Devpost:

1. Project Development:

Develop a tech-based solution that targets a challenge or enhances learning experiences within the field of education. You have the freedom to choose the nature of your project – it can be a web application, mobile app, game, software tool, or any other innovative digital solution.

2. Functioning Prototype:

Create a functioning prototype of your project that demonstrates its core features and functionalities. The more polished and user-friendly your prototype, the better.

3. Code Repository:

Maintain a public code repository on a platform like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. This repository should contain all the source code, assets, and resources necessary for your project.

4. Demo Video:

Produce a compelling demo video (up to 5 minutes) that effectively showcases your project's functionality and features. Use this video to explain how your solution addresses the chosen educational challenge or enhances learning experiences. Be creative and engaging in your presentation.

5. Presentation Deck:

Prepare a presentation deck (in PDF or PowerPoint format) that provides an overview of your project. Use this deck to narrate the story of your project, highlighting its purpose, features, and potential impact on education. Visuals, diagrams, and clear explanations are encouraged.

6. Technical Documentation:

Include a concise technical documentation document that outlines how to set up, configure, and use your project. Ensure that it is clear and comprehensible to help others understand the technical aspects of your solution.

7. Team Information:

Provide the names and contact details of all team members. Include a brief introduction or bio for each team member, emphasizing their roles and contributions to the project.

8. Additional Materials (Optional):

If you have any supplementary materials that enhance your project's presentation, such as concept art, design mockups, user stories, or any other relevant content, feel free to include them.

By adhering to these submission requirements, you'll be able to present your project comprehensively and effectively. We encourage you to think innovatively, push your creative boundaries, and strive to make a meaningful impact on education through your technological solution. Best of luck!

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