Elevator Pitch Competition

SpeakingPersuasionPresentationEntrepreneurshipPresentation Skills

ASME eFests® and ASME eFX®


The Elevator Pitch: More Than Just a Ride Up

Ever been stuck in an elevator with a potential employer, decision-maker, or influencer? No? Well, imagine you did. You've got 90 seconds. What would you say? How would you sell your ideas and skills? That's the essence of an elevator pitch. And guess what? There's a competition for that!

The Nitty-Gritty Details

The ASME eFests® and ASME eFX® are on the hunt for the next big speaker. Someone who can entice an audience in less time than it takes to microwave popcorn. The Elevator Pitch Competition is all about selling your ideas and skillset in 90 seconds or less. The goal? To compel your audience to want more. To bring you back for a further conversation.

What's the Focus?

The competition is all about persuasion. It's about introducing an idea succinctly. It's about showing off your speaking skills. And most importantly, it's about doing all of this in less time than it takes to brush your teeth.

Show Me the Money!

Let's talk prizes. Because, let's be real, who doesn't love a good cash prize?

  • 1st Place: A cool $250.00. That's a lot of coffees.
  • 2nd Place: $150.00. Still enough for a decent shopping spree.
  • 3rd Place: $75.00. Maybe a night out?

How Does It Work?

The competition is sponsored by the ASME Old Guard Committee and will be held at in-person eFX events. But here's the catch: not all eFX events will have this competition. So, you've got to check if the Elevator Pitch Competition is available at the event you're eyeing.

Who Can Jump In?

Calling all college students! If you've got the gift of the gab and can impress in a jiffy, this one's for you.

A Bit About the Organizers

ASME Engineering Festivals®️, or eFests, are more than just events. They're a movement. A movement driven by engineering students and early-career engineers. It's a global platform to ignite innovation, build resumes, and most importantly, celebrate engineering.

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