Ethical Leadership Challenge

EthicsManagementBusiness EntrepreneurshipVideo Content Creation



🚀 Buckle Up, Ethical Leaders of Tomorrow! 🚀

DECA, in a stellar collaboration with MBA Research and Curriculum Center and the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative High School Program, brings you a challenge that's not just a competition but a call to action! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, involves crafting a 60-second Public Service Announcement (PSA) video that shines a spotlight on one of the ethical principles: integrity, trust, or respect. And guess what? The top 5 teams get to bask in monetary glory with prizes up to $2,500!

Key Information

  • Deadline Alert: November 21, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. ET
  • Team Dynamics: 1-4 DECA chapter members
  • Prize Pool: A whopping $6,000 split amongst the top 5 teams!
  • Challenge Mode: Online PSA Video Submission
  • Who’s In?: DECA chapter members, it’s your time to shine!

Challenge Focus, Goal, and Topic

The challenge zooms in on ethical leadership, with your team developing a PSA video that not only educates but also resonates. Your goal is to rev up your community and social media audience, driving them towards a deeper understanding and appreciation of ethics in leadership.

Prizes and Recognition

Hold on to your hats because the prizes are nothing short of fabulous:

  • 1st Place Team: $2,500
  • 2nd Place Team: $1,500
  • 3rd Place Team: $1,000
  • 4th Place Team: $750
  • 5th Place Team: $250

How Does the Challenge Work

  • Start Your Engines: November 1, 2023, marks the beginning of entry submissions and video uploads.
  • Finish Line: November 21, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. ET is your deadline for challenge submission and video posting.
  • Social Media Sprint: From November 21, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. ET to December 15, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. ET, it’s all about sharing and voting on social media.
  • Judgment Day: The top 10 PSAs will be evaluated from December 2023 to January 2024, with the top 5 PSAs announced in January 2024.
  • Victory Lap: The top 3 teams will zoom to ICDC in Anaheim, CA, from April 27-30, 2024.

Who is Available to Participate

DECA chapter members, this is your pit stop to ethical leadership stardom! Whether you’re a solo driver or a team of up to 4, multiple entries from chapters are allowed, so there’s plenty of room on this racetrack!

Bits and pieces about the organizer

DECA, alongside MBA Research and Curriculum Center and the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative High School Program, is not just organizing a challenge; they’re laying down a racetrack for ethical leaders like you to zoom into a future where principle-based ethics steer the way!

🔥 Ready to set the ethical leadership world ablaze? 🔥 Your PSA could be the spark that lights the way! So, gear up, ethical leaders, your track to making a difference while clinching some cool cash prizes is just a click away! 🚗💨💨💨

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