Governor's STEM Competition

STEMInnovationCollaboration Experiences

Delaware County Intermediate Unit


The Challenge That's More Than Just Numbers

STEM. It's not just an acronym. It's a movement. A call to arms for the next generation of thinkers, doers, and innovators. And for the high schoolers of Pennsylvania, it's a chance to show off their brainpower in the Governor's STEM Competition.

The Nitty-Gritty Details

So, what's the deal with this competition? It's all about "Innovating the Commonwealth through Collaboration and Computing." Fancy words, right? But what it boils down to is this: teams of up to five students from grades 9 through 12 get to flex their intellectual muscles by researching, designing, and presenting a device or project that can make life in Pennsylvania just a tad bit better.

The Theme That Keeps on Giving

Every year, the competition has a theme. For this cycle, it's all about collaboration and computing. Think about it. How can technology and teamwork come together to solve some of the Keystone State's most pressing issues? That's the million-dollar question. Or, more accurately, the $600 question.

Show Me the Money

Speaking of $600, that's the stipend each team gets to design and build their prototype. It's like the state's way of saying, "We believe in you. Now go make something cool." And while it might not be enough to buy that new iPhone, it's a pretty sweet deal for just flexing your brain.

Who Can Jump In?

If you're a student in grades 9-12 attending a public, charter, private, or technical education center in Pennsylvania, you're in! Even homeschooled students can join the fun. And to make things even more interesting, there are two divisions: one for teams that have competed in the state competition in the last five years and one for newbies.

The Dates to Circle on Your Calendar

Registration kicked off on September 6, 2022, and wrapped up on November 6, 2022. But the real action? That's happening on April 19, 2023. And here's the kicker: there's no regional qualifying competition this year. It's straight to the big leagues!

Behind the Scenes

The Delaware County Intermediate Unit is the mastermind behind this competition. They're all about empowering partnerships for education. And with events like the Governor's STEM Competition, they're doing just that.

In Conclusion

The Governor's STEM Competition isn't just another event. It's a platform. A stage for Pennsylvania's brightest young minds to shine. So, whether you're in it for the glory, the $600, or just the sheer joy of innovation, one thing's for sure: this is one competition that's changing the game.

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