GreenHack Challenge 2023


IPB University


Ah, Indonesia! A lush, vibrant paradise, teeming with an array of wildlife and plants that would make any nature lover swoon. But wait, there’s a twist! The GreenHack Challenge 2023 is calling all tech-savvy college students to blend technology and nature, crafting GIS-based applications to elevate Indonesia’s ecotourism and conserve its rich biodiversity.

🌱 Sprouting the Seeds of Conservation and Ecotourism

Indonesia, a global pillar in nature conservation, is stepping into the future with technology to ensure the continuity of its unique ecosystem. The GreenHack Challenge 2023 is not just a competition but a call to arms, inviting participants to develop applications that utilize Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with Esri technology. This includes the likes of ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS QuickCapture, and ArcGIS Survey123. The goal? To identify natural patterns, monitor environmental changes in real-time, and forecast potential environmental risks, all while boosting the sustainable economic sector of ecotourism.

🚀 Launching Tech into Nature

Participants are tasked to develop spatial-based applications that can drive the growth of ecotourism and ensure the preservation of Indonesia’s precious heritage for future generations. The applications should focus on one of the subthemes:

  • Plant Conservation
  • Wildlife Management
  • Nature Recreation and Ecotourism
  • Conservation Area Management
  • Environmental Services

🏆 Prizes and Recognition

With $1950 in prizes up for grabs, the competition is fierce and the stakes are high. The applications will be judged based on creativity and innovation by judges from Esri Inc. But remember, it’s not just about the prizes. It’s about making a tangible impact on Indonesia’s ecotourism and conservation efforts.

📅 Key Dates and Details

  • When: Oct 13 - Nov 4, 2023 (WIB!!)
  • Where: Online
  • Who: College students above the legal age of majority in their country of residence (excluding standard exceptions of the organizer)
  • Prizes: $1950 in total, distributed among various winners and contenders
  • Submission: A digital poster and StoryMaps URL

🤖 Technology Meets Biodiversity

The integration of technology in conservation and ecotourism practices can potentially catapult Indonesia into a boom in a sustainable economic sector. Drones, smart grid sensors, advanced data analysis, and online monitoring platforms are just a few examples of technologies that can drive the growth of ecotourism.

🤔 Your Part in This Green Tech Revolution

Whether it’s developing an app to monitor wildlife movements, creating a platform to manage conservation areas, or crafting a solution for sustainable ecotourism, your innovative tech solutions have the power to make a real-world impact. So, gear up, dive into the digital world, and let’s code for a greener future!

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