HappyHacks II

Beginner friendlyEducation Machine LearningAICodingDesign Prototype

Happy Hackers Foundation


🚀 Welcome to HappyHacks II: A Coder's Playground!

HappyHacks II is not your ordinary hackathon. It’s a monthly virtual bash where young coders, from high schoolers to first-year university students, get to flaunt their skills, explore coding in a competitive yet jolly manner, and yes, win some cool prizes too! It’s all about provoking interest and commitment in coding while having a blast.

🌎 Who’s Invited?

If you’re aged between 13 and 19, you’re in! This online public hackathon welcomes participants from all countries and territories (with a few standard exceptions).

🕰 Tick Tock, The Clock is Ticking!

The deadline is looming! You’ve got until October 8, 2023, 7:00 pm PDT to submit your innovative creations.

🎁 Prizes Galore!

With $300 in prizes, the stakes are high! First place snags $150 cash, automatic admission into HRSE, 40% off enrollment, CoCalc extended license + credits, and a certificate of achievement. But don’t worry, second and third places, as well as the most creative team, get their share of the loot and accolades too!

🚀 The Mission

HappyHacks is passionate about sparking interest in coding from a young age. The virtual format and emphasis on integrity ensure that young coders worldwide have a fair and fun experience, without location-based disadvantages. Whether you’re a seasoned coder or a newbie, there’s a spot for you to shine or explore your ideas and be judged fairly based on your experience.

🛠 Requirements & Rules

  • A GitHub link with your project code and a working prototype.
  • A 3-5 minute video presentation to judges, covering the problem, solution, and impact.
  • A 10-30 minute video timelapse of one or more team members working.
  • Adherence to the theme released at the opening ceremony.
  • And a few more (check the website for all the deets).

🏆 Judging Criteria

Your project will be evaluated based on presentation, creativity, innovation, and execution by a stellar team of judges from the Happy Hackers team and various esteemed organizations.

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