John Molson School of Business Sustainability Case Competition


John Molson School of Business, Concordia University


The John Molson School of Business Sustainability Challenge: More Than Just a Competition

Ah, sustainability. It's not just a buzzword anymore. It's a movement, a lifestyle, and now, a competition. Enter the John Molson School of Business Sustainability Case Competition. But this isn't your average run-of-the-mill contest. It's a challenge that beckons the brightest minds to tackle real-world corporate sustainability issues. And with a whopping $6000 on the line, it's not just about bragging rights.

Brief About the Competition

The John Molson School of Business is back with the second edition of its Sustainability Case Competition. The focus? The beautiful intersection of business and sustainability. It's not just about making a quick buck. It's about integrating sustainability into a company's strategy and decision-making process. And let's be honest, in today's world, that's the kind of thinking we need.

Key Information

  • Date: March 31, 2023
  • Location: John Molson School of Business, Montreal, QC, Canada
  • Prize: Total value of $6000. And no, it's not in Monopoly money.

Challenge Focus, Goal, and Topic

The challenge is simple (well, not really). It's designed to promote interaction between business schools and raise awareness about the benefits of integrating sustainability into business strategies. Participants will get to experience real-world scenarios and receive feedback from some of the sharpest minds in the industry.

Prizes and Recognition

Alright, let's talk moolah. The total prize value? A cool $6000. Here's the breakdown:

  • 1st Place: $3000. That's a lot of avocado toasts.
  • 2nd Place: $2000. Still enough for a decent number of lattes.
  • 3rd Place: $1000. Don't spend it all in one place!

How Does the Challenge Work?

The competition structure is pretty straightforward:

  • Breakfast: 9 - 9:45 am. Because you can't solve sustainability issues on an empty stomach.
  • Case Cracking: 10 am - 1 pm. Time to put on those thinking caps.
  • Lunch Break: 1 - 1:45 pm. Refuel and get back to it.
  • Presentations: 2 - 4 pm. Show 'em what you got.
  • Break: 4 - 5 pm. Stretch those legs.
  • Winner Announcements & Networking Cocktail: 5 - 7 pm. Cheers to sustainability!

Who Can Participate?

If you're a current undergraduate or master's student at any Canadian university, you're in! The challenge is open to teams of 3 to 5 members. And here's a pro tip: gather individuals from diverse backgrounds or areas of study. Diversity is the spice of life, after all.

Introduction of the Organizing Company

The John Molson School of Business at Concordia University isn't just any business school. It's a place where innovation meets education. With a strong focus on sustainability, the school is committed to shaping the business leaders of tomorrow. And with initiatives like the Sustainability Case Competition, they're well on their way.

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