New Projects to Bridge the Digital Gender Gap

General TechnologyDigitization

Enel Global Digital Solutions


Bridging the Digital Gender Divide with Enel

In the age of technology, where almost everything is a click away, it's easy to forget that not everyone has equal access. The digital gender gap is real, and it's vast. But here's the good news: Enel Global Digital Solutions is on a mission to bridge that gap.

The Stark Reality of the Digital Gender Gap

Last year, a staggering 259 million more men than women were online. That's not just a number; it's a representation of missed opportunities, untapped potential, and dreams deferred. But why does this gap exist? A cocktail of lack of opportunities, skills, and fear of discrimination keeps many women and girls from the digital realm.

Enel's Noble Quest

Being a digital powerhouse, Enel isn't just observing from the sidelines. They're actively working to close this gender chasm in the tech sector. How? By launching projects that not only improve company policies for women but also address the broader digital gender divide.

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has highlighted several areas where this gap is most evident. From improving access to digital devices and skills to promoting women's access to digital/STEM professions, the list is comprehensive.

The Challenge: More Than Just a Competition

Enel's challenge isn't just about finding a solution; it's about creating a movement. They're seeking mature proposals with a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of ≥ 7. The goal? To promote women's digital empowerment in terms of inclusion, representation, and access to digital resources.

But that's not all. Enel is also on the lookout for digital solutions or investigative methods that can shed light on the barriers women face in the digital world. Whether it's a tool, a method, or a project, if it can help bridge the digital gender gap, Enel wants to hear about it.

Why Participate?

Apart from the obvious noble cause, participating in this challenge offers a unique opportunity. Enel will not only promote and scale the solutions but also explore ways to integrate them within the company, a global behemoth operating in 26 countries.

About Enel

Enel isn't your average energy company. With operations in 26 countries, they're a global powerhouse. But more than that, they're committed to creating a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

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