Opportunity Hack 2023 Virtual

Machine LearningAISocial goodCodingNon Profit



A Virtual Hackathon with a Social Impact

The Opportunity Hack 2023 is a virtual hackathon that invites tech enthusiasts to build solutions that can significantly impact communities by addressing the technical challenges faced by nonprofits around the globe. The event is not just a competition but a platform to connect, build, and empower organizations to create a tangible impact in the world.

Key Details:

  • Eligible Candidates: Above the legal age of majority in the country of residence
  • Online/In-Person: Online
  • Team/Individual: Team (3 to 5 members)

About the Challenge:

The hackathon is partnering with nonprofits worldwide to solve a wide range of their technical challenges, from applications of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence to system design, and much more. The problems to explore are diverse and intriguing, and the participants are expected to come up with innovative solutions that can be implemented by the nonprofits to scale their reach and impact.

Keynote Speaker:

Diana Lee Guzman, the founder and CEO of Coding in Color and the co-founder and CTO of My Real Exchange, will be sharing her insights and journey in the tech world. Her organizations focus on aiding underrepresented students in computing and assisting homebuyers in obtaining fair mortgage rates, respectively.

Prizes and Recognition:

  • 1st Place: $500 (to be split amongst the team) + $1,000 for completing the solution that satisfies the nonprofit's requirements.
  • 2nd Place: $400 (split amongst the team) + $800 for completing the solution that satisfies the nonprofit's requirements.
  • 3rd Place: $300 (split amongst the team).

The solutions must be installed at the nonprofits' place of business or provided as a viable cloud solution by January 31st, 2024. The prize money can potentially increase from donations throughout the duration of the project.

Participation and Submission:

Teams of 3 to 5 people are required to participate, and all team members must either have committed code or worked on the video submission since the start of the hackathon. The submission must include all code checked into the team's GitHub repo and a video demo of the work, which must be less than 3 minutes long.

A Platform for Social Innovation:

Opportunity Hack 2023 is not merely a competition but a platform that bridges the gap between technical solutions and real-world problems faced by nonprofits. It's a space where tech enthusiasts can leverage their skills to create solutions that have the potential to bring about social innovation and change lives across the world.

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