Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest

STEMInnovationCommunity Impact



STEM and Community Impact – A Perfect Blend

Samsung, a global tech giant, isn't just about the latest gadgets. They're on a mission to fuse STEM education with real-world challenges. Enter the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest – a unique blend of innovation, community impact, and a dash of competition.

What's the Buzz About?

For 14 years, this contest has been challenging public school students from grades 6-12. The goal? To come up with innovative solutions to pressing community problems. And the incentive? A whopping $100,000 in Samsung tech products and classroom materials.

The Winners' Circle

Past winners have set the bar high. From a wearable sensor to monitor athletes' body temperatures in Florida to a state-of-the-art beehive monitoring system in Texas, the innovations have been nothing short of groundbreaking.

Why Should You Jump In?

Apart from the obvious tech goodies, participants get to:

  • Improve their STEM toolkit.
  • Gain hands-on experience, setting them up for higher education.
  • Receive mentorship from Samsung experts.

Teachers aren't left out either. Just by applying, they get access to professional development opportunities and platforms like Pathful.

The Bigger Picture

This isn't just a contest. It's about raising awareness of issues impacting communities. It's about fostering social responsibility in the next generation of leaders. And of course, it's about equipping schools with the best of tech.

The Clock's Ticking

With the deadline set for October 27th, it's time to rally your team, brainstorm, and start innovating. The future awaits, and so does a truckload of Samsung tech.

Behind the Scenes – Samsung's Vision

Samsung's commitment to education and community development is evident. Through this contest, they aim to support STEM education in public schools, nurturing the next generation of innovators and leaders.

In Conclusion

The Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest is more than just a competition. It's an opportunity. An opportunity to learn, innovate, and make a real impact. So, gear up, dive in, and let your innovative solutions shine!

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