Square + Google AI Hackathon

E-commerce/RetailFintech Machine LearningAICodingSoftware developmentTechnology

Square and Google AI


Square + Google AI Hackathon: Where Innovation Meets Opportunity

In a world where technology is evolving at breakneck speed, two giants have come together to set the stage for a groundbreaking event. Enter the Square + Google AI Hackathon, a unique collaboration between Square's cutting-edge APIs and Google AI's state-of-the-art capabilities.

Brief About the Competition

The Square + Google AI Hackathon is not just another coding event. It's a call to action for developers and tech enthusiasts worldwide. The challenge? To design applications that seamlessly integrate Square's APIs with Google AI's advanced features. From revolutionizing payment systems to pioneering new business solutions, the possibilities are endless.

Key Information

  • Organizers: Square and Google AI
  • Total Prize Pool: A whopping $100,000
  • Deadline: Oct 17, 2023, 11:45pm PDT

Challenge Focus, Goal, and Topic

The primary objective is to either build or update an app for Square sellers, ensuring it utilizes both Square and Google AI APIs. Whether it's about enhancing customer experiences, transforming payment methods, or even creating an entirely new realm of business solutions, the sky's the limit.

Prizes and Recognition

With $100,000 up for grabs, participants have a lot to vie for. But it's not just about the money. Winners get the chance for a video conference with Google Cloud's elite, social recognition by Square, and the opportunity to present to GCP FSI leadership.

How Does the Challenge Work?

While the specifics of the schedule are yet to be disclosed, participants are required to submit their Square application ID, Google Cloud project ID, and provide access to their working application. A video demonstration and a text description detailing the new features are also mandatory.

Who Can Participate?

If you're above the legal age of majority in your country of residence (excluding a few standard exceptions), you're in!

Introduction of the Organizing Company

Square and Google AI, two titans in the tech industry, have come together for this hackathon. While Square is renowned for its payment solutions and APIs, Google AI is synonymous with cutting-edge artificial intelligence capabilities. Together, they promise a hackathon experience like no other.

Remember, this is not just a competition; it's an opportunity. An opportunity to learn, innovate, and make a mark in the tech world. So, gear up, let your imagination run wild, and may the best tech mind win!

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