Student Guest Blog Programme


Give A Grad A Go


, Australia

The Ultimate Student Blogging Challenge: Your Chance to Shine!

Ever thought of making a mark in the blogging world? Well, here’s your golden ticket. Give A Grad A Go, one of the UK's most trusted career websites, is rolling out the red carpet for aspiring writers like you. With their Student Guest Blog Programme, you get a chance to have your voice heard, your words read, and your name recognized.

Why Should You Jump In?

Apart from the sheer thrill of seeing your name in the byline, there are some tangible perks:

  • Exposure: Your blog post will be shared across social media, reaching a network of over 50k+ connections. That's a lot of eyeballs!
  • Professional Credibility: A dedicated author biography with links to your LinkedIn profile. Talk about a CV booster!
  • Cash Prize: The authors of the best-performing blog posts will pocket a cool £150. Not too shabby for a few hundred words, right?
  • Recognition: A digital certificate and a LinkedIn badge to flaunt your achievement.

How Does It Work?

  1. Brainstorm: Think of a topic you're passionate about. Read over the student and graduate writing guidelines to ensure you're on the right track.
  2. Pitch: Register your interest through the sign-up form.
  3. Wait: The team will get in touch with the next steps.

A Few Words from Previous Participants

Taz Usher, a BA English Language and Applied Linguistics student at the University of Reading, found the experience both challenging and rewarding. Writing for Give A Grad A Go allowed her to explore topics of interest and gain practical experience, which she believes will be invaluable in her future journalism career.

Hannah Fox, a BA English with Media student at the University of Leicester, echoed similar sentiments. She appreciated the constructive feedback and found the team at Give A Grad A Go to be both friendly and encouraging.

Terms and Conditions

Like all good things, there are a few rules to keep in mind. Entries must adhere to the student and graduate blog guidelines. Winners are chosen based on the performance of their blogs. There are four winners every year, announced quarterly. And yes, you need to be residing in the UK or Australia to participate.

Final Thoughts

The Student Guest Blog Programme is more than just a competition; it's a platform, an opportunity, and a stepping stone. Whether you're an aspiring journalist, a budding writer, or someone who just wants to share their thoughts with the world, this is your chance.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab that pen, or rather, that keyboard, and start typing away. The blogging world awaits your brilliance!

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