The Big Idea Competition


Small Business Development Center


The Big Idea Competition: Where Young Minds Meet Big Dreams

You know that feeling when you're lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, and suddenly, a light bulb goes off? That's the essence of the Big Idea Competition. It's where those midnight musings, those "what if" moments, transform into tangible, actionable business plans.

A Brief About the Competition

The Big Idea Competition isn't your run-of-the-mill school project. Hosted by the Small Business Development Center, it's a platform that challenges the youth to think big, dream big, and act big. It's about identifying problems in today's world and coming up with innovative solutions. The question is simple: "What business would you start to make the world a better place?"

Key Information

  • Duration: September 1st to October 31st
  • Prize Pool: A whopping $50,000
  • Eligibility: Primarily school students with a knack for innovation

Challenge Focus, Goal, and Topic

The competition is all about entrepreneurship. But not the kind where you're looking to make a quick buck. It's about social entrepreneurship. It's about creating businesses that not only generate revenue but also bring about positive change. Whether it's addressing climate change, promoting mental health, or bridging the digital divide, the possibilities are endless.

Prizes and Recognition

With a prize pool of nearly $50,000, the stakes are high. But here's the kicker: it's not just about the money. Winners get the opportunity to network with industry leaders, gain mentorship, and even secure potential investors. And let's not forget the bragging rights!

How Does the Challenge Work?

From September 1st to October 31st, participants work on their business ideas. They're provided with resources, workshops, and mentorship sessions to refine their concepts. At the end of the competition, entries are judged based on innovation, feasibility, and impact.

Who Can Participate?

While the primary target is school students, the competition has seen entries from all walks of life. From high school whiz kids to college prodigies, it's a melting pot of young talent.

Introduction to the Organizing Company

The Small Business Development Center, the brains behind the competition, is no stranger to fostering entrepreneurship. With a track record of supporting startups and small businesses, they understand the challenges young entrepreneurs face. And through the Big Idea Competition, they aim to give them a head start.

In Conclusion

The Big Idea Competition is more than just a contest. It's a movement. It's about empowering the youth, giving them a platform to showcase their brilliance, and making the world a better place, one business idea at a time. So, if you've got a game-changing idea brewing in your mind, this is your chance to shine. After all, big ideas often come from young minds.

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