The Innovation Challenge


O'Malley School of Business, Manhattan College

Manhattan College

The Innovation Challenge: Not Just Another College Contest

Remember those times when you had a brilliant idea but didn't know where to start? Well, Manhattan College's O'Malley School of Business has got your back. They're not just teaching business; they're making business happen.

The Nitty-Gritty Details

What's in the Name? The Innovation Challenge. Sounds fancy, right? It's not just about coming up with a cool idea; it's about turning that idea into a viable business plan. Think of it as the academic version of the Shark Tank, minus Mark Cuban but with the same intensity.

Who's Behind This? The O'Malley School of Business at Manhattan College. They're not just about textbooks and lectures. They're about fostering the next generation of business leaders. And with this challenge, they're putting their money where their mouth is.

Show Me the Money! Speaking of money, there's a whopping $1,000,000 in total cash up for grabs in the 2023 challenge. That's a lot of zeroes. Whether you're aiming to start your own tech startup, open a chain of sustainable coffee shops, or revolutionize the world of fashion, that seed money can turn your dream into a reality.

Who Can Jump In? If you're a Manhattan College student from any academic discipline, you're in! Whether you're a lone wolf or thrive in a pack, you can participate as an individual or form a team of up to four members.

The Theme of the Game It's all about entrepreneurship and innovation. Whether your passion lies in AI, sustainability, health, or any other field, if you have an innovative idea, this challenge is for you.

When's the D-Day? Mark your calendars for February 13, 2024. That's the deadline for the 2024 Innovation Challenge registration. And if you're thinking of pulling an all-nighter, the last minute to submit is 23:59 CET.

The Heart of the Challenge: What's It All About?

The Focus The Innovation Challenge is not just about who has the most groundbreaking idea. It's about who can turn that idea into a viable business plan. It's about market research, financial planning, and strategy. It's about presenting your vision to a panel of judges and convincing them that your idea has what it takes to succeed in the real world.

The Prizes Apart from the bragging rights of winning one of the most prestigious student competitions, there's a lot more at stake. The cash prize is a game-changer. But it's not just about the money. It's about the recognition, the networking opportunities, and the chance to get your idea in front of industry leaders.

The Process Once you're registered, you'll be immersed in a world of workshops, mentoring sessions, and pitch practices. The challenge culminates in a grand finale where teams present their business plans to a panel of judges in a Shark Tank-style showdown.

Who's Eligible? The challenge is open to all Manhattan College students, whether you're majoring in business, engineering, arts, or any other field. If you have an innovative idea and the passion to see it through, this challenge is for you.

Meet the Organizers: O'Malley School of Business

The O'Malley School of Business at Manhattan College is not just another business school. It's a hub of innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership. With a rich history of producing industry leaders, the school is committed to fostering the next generation of entrepreneurs. The Innovation Challenge is just one of the many initiatives that showcase the school's commitment to hands-on learning and real-world experience.

In Conclusion

The Innovation Challenge at Manhattan College is more than just a competition. It's an opportunity. An opportunity to turn your dreams into reality, to get invaluable industry insights, and to take your first steps into the world of entrepreneurship. So, if you've got an idea that you believe in, this is your chance to shine.

And remember, in the words of the great Steve Jobs, "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." So, which one are you?

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