The Toyota Logistic Design Competition

SustainabilityLogisticsDesignBusiness Consulting



Short Challenge Summary

Hey there, future-forward thinkers! Toyota Material Handling is back with a bang, challenging you to think circular. Forget linear; it's all about the circle of life, but for logistics. And no, we're not talking about the Lion King.

Key Information

  • Prize: A whopping €5500 for each category winner. That's right, not one, not two, but three categories to conquer!
  • Deadline: Mark your calendars for 19 December 2023. And no, they won't wait for the clock to strike midnight.

Challenge Focus, Goal, and Topic

Toyota wants you to promote the circular economy through logistics. It's a hefty challenge, possibly their biggest yet. They're looking for designs that are sensitive to the environment, the community, and the local economy. And hey, it's not just about drawing pretty pictures. Your designs need to be innovative, user-friendly, and realistic to implement.

Prizes and Recognition

Apart from the cash prize, winners get a chance to showcase their genius at a sustainability event. Talk about bragging rights!

How Does the Challenge Work

Submit your designs that incorporate the principles of a circular economy and logistics. And here's the kicker: your submission should also include a sustainability report. They want the whole shebang - environmental impacts of production, use, and what happens when your design has served its purpose.

Who is Available to Participate

College students, assemble! Whether you're a lone wolf or love the chaos of a team, Toyota's got a spot for you. And if you're looking for teammates, they've even set up a Discord server for you to mingle.

Short Introduction of the Organizing Company

Toyota Material Handling is not just about forklifts. They're forward-thinkers, innovators, and now, champions of the circular economy. They're challenging the status quo and want you to be a part of the revolution.

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