Wharton Global High School Investment Competition


Wharton Global Youth Program


The Real Deal Behind the Competition

The Wharton Global High School Investment Competition isn't your typical high school project. It's an experiential investment challenge where students from 9th to 12th grade dive deep into the world of stocks, strategies, and simulations. And guess what? It's FREE!

Numbers Don't Lie

From last year's competition, the numbers are staggering. Teams from various countries, thousands of students, and numerous advisors participated. And this year? The numbers are only set to rise.

The Core of the Competition

Students are given a real-world scenario. They're handed a case study featuring a potential client, a real Wharton graduate working in business. The task? Collaborate and strategize to meet that client's long-term investment goals. But here's the twist: it's not about the growth of their portfolios. It's about the strength and articulation of their strategies.

With an approved stock and exchange-traded fund list, both domestic and international, students have a playground to experiment. They use the Wharton Investment Simulator (WINS) to buy and sell stocks over 10 weeks. With $100,000 in virtual cash, they're set to conquer the financial world.

Why Should You Join?

  1. World-Class Recognition: It's run by the Wharton School, a global leader in business education.
  2. Skill Development: Learn about risk diversification, company analysis, and more. Plus, develop teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.
  3. Global Competition: Compete against teams from around the world.
  4. Life-Long Finance Skills: Skills that will benefit you for a lifetime.
  5. It's Free and Fun: Need we say more?

The Grand Finale

The competition isn't just about trading. Teams submit two deliverables, and their final reports are reviewed by a panel of judges. The top 50 teams present their strategies virtually. And the crème de la crème? The top 10 teams get to present at the global finale at Wharton in Philadelphia.

In Conclusion

The Wharton Global High School Investment Competition is more than just numbers. It's about strategy, teamwork, and real-world experience. So, if you're a high school student with dreams of Wall Street, this is your golden ticket.

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